It is a truth universally acknowledged that any lady in possession of a glass jaw, must be in want of a mouth-guard...
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Weekend Funnies
The funnies belong to one video only this week.
Weekend Funnies
The funnies belong to one video only this week.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that any lady in possession of a glass jaw, must be in want of a mouth-guard...
Monday, July 19, 2010
Color Club - Worth The Risque
I wanted to do a post today, but I realised I didn't have any watermarked photos left, and I'd have to get out the editing software and spend ages fiddling around and then blargh...I gave up. Too much effort.
But now I'm on an orange-food high after devouring sweet-potato chips followed by orange poppyseed low fat muffins.
Yeah. Watch me fly, mo-fos!
So I've decided to stuff the watermarks. If anyone decides to steal my photos to sell their wares on ebay I'll go all Ginger and Liz on their asses :)
So - Worth The Risque.
I was reminded of this when Kaz did her post with silver holos over at her new Pretty Random site today. Every girl should have at least one silver holo in her collection. It's law. Or it will be when I become damn-hell-ass Queen.
This is a really good budget buy for the holo-hos with holes in their pockets.
Not to mention it's great for frankening your own holos cos it's not the end of the world if you waste a bit. I bought 3 bottles from Head 2 Toe last year for just such purposes and have yet to do the frankening. Something to add to the to-do list along with invading a small European country and stealing all their supplies of non-threatening tween singers to form a super-band that can control a legion of screaming girls capable of shattering the security glass encasing the British Crown Jewels.
Utilising the broken-down jewels, I shall power my massive super-secret death-ray and melt the polar icecaps (leaving some over to make a natty pair of tennis bracelets, of course), thus flooding the world. I will simultaneously launch my company selling budget arm floaties in various glittery colours to the masses - therefore making billions! Billions, I tell you! Buy my floaties, bitches! Buy them!
So, yeah.
But after that, I'll totally get to the frankening.
NATO - if you're reading this - I'm totally joking and I don't have the death ray housed under the Sydney Opera House.
Damn. Did someone put sodium pentothal in the muffins?
Yikes! Well as you can see, these pics were taken about a year ago, and it looks like my hands were still recovering from an allergic reaction. Scales and redness ahoy!
Still - compared to how my hands look now, this is positively supermodel-y
Now, if I remember rightly I think this was 2 layers and a layer of top-coat. There were some issues with pulling, but you get that with all holos. Just remember to always wait until each layer is really dry before applying another - it will help...somewhat.
Speaking of holos - Glitter Gal (the Aussie company who does fantastic holos) is releasing some new ones on Thursday via their newsletter and you have the chance to win some if you're signed up for it! Unfortunately I'm allergic, but those girls do good stuff and their holos are totally mind-blowing and really cheap, too!
Anyhoo - that's all for now. Gotta find a moving company to help me shift the super secret death ray to under the MCG...
Color Club - Worth The Risque
I wanted to do a post today, but I realised I didn't have any watermarked photos left, and I'd have to get out the editing software and spend ages fiddling around and then blargh...I gave up. Too much effort.
But now I'm on an orange-food high after devouring sweet-potato chips followed by orange poppyseed low fat muffins.
Yeah. Watch me fly, mo-fos!
So I've decided to stuff the watermarks. If anyone decides to steal my photos to sell their wares on ebay I'll go all Ginger and Liz on their asses :)
So - Worth The Risque.
I was reminded of this when Kaz did her post with silver holos over at her new Pretty Random site today. Every girl should have at least one silver holo in her collection. It's law. Or it will be when I become damn-hell-ass Queen.
This is a really good budget buy for the holo-hos with holes in their pockets.
Not to mention it's great for frankening your own holos cos it's not the end of the world if you waste a bit. I bought 3 bottles from Head 2 Toe last year for just such purposes and have yet to do the frankening. Something to add to the to-do list along with invading a small European country and stealing all their supplies of non-threatening tween singers to form a super-band that can control a legion of screaming girls capable of shattering the security glass encasing the British Crown Jewels.
Utilising the broken-down jewels, I shall power my massive super-secret death-ray and melt the polar icecaps (leaving some over to make a natty pair of tennis bracelets, of course), thus flooding the world. I will simultaneously launch my company selling budget arm floaties in various glittery colours to the masses - therefore making billions! Billions, I tell you! Buy my floaties, bitches! Buy them!
So, yeah.
But after that, I'll totally get to the frankening.
NATO - if you're reading this - I'm totally joking and I don't have the death ray housed under the Sydney Opera House.
Damn. Did someone put sodium pentothal in the muffins?
Yikes! Well as you can see, these pics were taken about a year ago, and it looks like my hands were still recovering from an allergic reaction. Scales and redness ahoy!
Still - compared to how my hands look now, this is positively supermodel-y
Now, if I remember rightly I think this was 2 layers and a layer of top-coat. There were some issues with pulling, but you get that with all holos. Just remember to always wait until each layer is really dry before applying another - it will help...somewhat.
Speaking of holos - Glitter Gal (the Aussie company who does fantastic holos) is releasing some new ones on Thursday via their newsletter and you have the chance to win some if you're signed up for it! Unfortunately I'm allergic, but those girls do good stuff and their holos are totally mind-blowing and really cheap, too!
Anyhoo - that's all for now. Gotta find a moving company to help me shift the super secret death ray to under the MCG...
Friday, July 16, 2010
Weekend Funnies
I've been watching a bit of Armstrong and Miller on YouTube lately. They're a bit like my beloved Mitchell & Webb (but not quite as good, in my opinion).
This is in a similar vein to M&W's legendary Mr Darcy: Disco Champion skit :)
What do you get if you cross Vicky Pollard, a gangsta rapper, and Biggles?
Something like this -
I don't think there's anything here we don't already know :)
This is in a similar vein to M&W's legendary Mr Darcy: Disco Champion skit :)
What do you get if you cross Vicky Pollard, a gangsta rapper, and Biggles?
Something like this -
I don't think there's anything here we don't already know :)
Weekend Funnies
I've been watching a bit of Armstrong and Miller on YouTube lately. They're a bit like my beloved Mitchell & Webb (but not quite as good, in my opinion).
This is in a similar vein to M&W's legendary Mr Darcy: Disco Champion skit :)
What do you get if you cross Vicky Pollard, a gangsta rapper, and Biggles?
Something like this -
I don't think there's anything here we don't already know :)
This is in a similar vein to M&W's legendary Mr Darcy: Disco Champion skit :)
What do you get if you cross Vicky Pollard, a gangsta rapper, and Biggles?
Something like this -
I don't think there's anything here we don't already know :)
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Aussie Gals - LA Colors Minis!

Just a small public service announcement for the Aussie gals.
I saw these at Hairhouse Warehouse the other day when I was getting my Argan oil.
I know not every store stocks the same stuff, so I can't guarantee they'll be at your local (the one at Knox City Shopping Centre, Victoria definitely does) - but it might be worth looking.
I have dupes of all their colours so I wasn't tempted - but they're pretty nonetheless.
Now, I can't remember the exact price - I *think* it might have been $6.95. They're mini size, so that makes sense.
So anyhoo - if you want some LA Colors, go forth and get ye to a Hairhouse :D
Aussie Gals - LA Colors Minis!

Just a small public service announcement for the Aussie gals.
I saw these at Hairhouse Warehouse the other day when I was getting my Argan oil.
I know not every store stocks the same stuff, so I can't guarantee they'll be at your local (the one at Knox City Shopping Centre, Victoria definitely does) - but it might be worth looking.
I have dupes of all their colours so I wasn't tempted - but they're pretty nonetheless.
Now, I can't remember the exact price - I *think* it might have been $6.95. They're mini size, so that makes sense.
So anyhoo - if you want some LA Colors, go forth and get ye to a Hairhouse :D
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Funky Fingers Sound Machine
Well this review is long, long looong overdue!
Judy over at sent me this and a couple of other Funky Fingers in a swap about - oh, I think it's about a year ago now - and I'm only just getting around to posting the pics!
Anyhoo - if you've been over to Judy's site, you'll know that she discovered that Funky Fingers did a whole lot of pretty much exact dupes for Color Club neons at a fraction of the cost!
I think this is the best one - a dupe of CC's Ultra Violet -
It's a little sheer, so this was 3 coats, but application was good and it held up fairly well chip-wise with the help of some top coat.
Have to say this is one of the favourite purples in my collection - thanks Judy! And you'll be happy to know I got no reaction from these, so they're definitely Big 3 Free :)
In other news, as I said before, I've been using acrylic powder underneath my polish to try and protect my nails and stop them breaking. So far, so good - and I love the way whatever polish I use stays on like WHOA.
I've been wearing Zoya's Astra (thanks again, Kaz!) - which is hard wearing enough on it's own - and it's been a week with nary a chip. That is un-freaking-believable for me - I'm hard on my nail polishes.
So hopefully this means by the time I run out of nail swatches which feature my old nails, my new ones will have grown in :) Then I just have to have some polishes to actually feature. Being on a 6 month no-buy is really, really hard!
Funky Fingers Sound Machine
Well this review is long, long looong overdue!
Judy over at sent me this and a couple of other Funky Fingers in a swap about - oh, I think it's about a year ago now - and I'm only just getting around to posting the pics!
Anyhoo - if you've been over to Judy's site, you'll know that she discovered that Funky Fingers did a whole lot of pretty much exact dupes for Color Club neons at a fraction of the cost!
I think this is the best one - a dupe of CC's Ultra Violet -
It's a little sheer, so this was 3 coats, but application was good and it held up fairly well chip-wise with the help of some top coat.
Have to say this is one of the favourite purples in my collection - thanks Judy! And you'll be happy to know I got no reaction from these, so they're definitely Big 3 Free :)
In other news, as I said before, I've been using acrylic powder underneath my polish to try and protect my nails and stop them breaking. So far, so good - and I love the way whatever polish I use stays on like WHOA.
I've been wearing Zoya's Astra (thanks again, Kaz!) - which is hard wearing enough on it's own - and it's been a week with nary a chip. That is un-freaking-believable for me - I'm hard on my nail polishes.
So hopefully this means by the time I run out of nail swatches which feature my old nails, my new ones will have grown in :) Then I just have to have some polishes to actually feature. Being on a 6 month no-buy is really, really hard!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Weekend Funnies
I want one of these. I will love him and pet him and call him George.
Lucas, that is :D
The newest Old Spice commercial is so full of win I almost forget how much I hate the smell of Old Spice
And on the subject of sex and men...(probably not work-safe!)
Weekend Funnies
I want one of these. I will love him and pet him and call him George.
Lucas, that is :D
The newest Old Spice commercial is so full of win I almost forget how much I hate the smell of Old Spice
And on the subject of sex and men...(probably not work-safe!)
Sunday, July 4, 2010
BB Couture Nitro Injected
Another week without a post - sorry guys! I had a big funding application to file and the day job is being a bitch at the moment to boot. Blog re-mojination is not working very well, is it? :D
I've decided to take extreme measures with my nails and have gone back to using my cut-price version of Orly Nail Rescue (ie. a pot of acrylic powder and some nail glue) to try and keep the damn things from breaking and peeling. I don't know why, but ever since they all broke off when I moved house in May they just haven't been the same. My skin really dislikes regular use of the acetone needed to remove the acrylic, but I don't really have a choice at this point. Grow, you nubs, grow!
Anyhoo - let's travel back to a time when I actually had nails that didn't make me want to vomit when I look at them.
This is BB Couture's Nitro Injected - a fantastic icy blue metallic...
Now, this actually looks a lot more "foily" and smooth in real life than in the photos. The pics seem to make it look more ridged and brush-stroke-y, but most of that only shows in certain light conditions IRL. If it really annoys you, you may want to use a ridge-filling undercoat...
This is a little smoother looking -
Sigh. Sometimes I wish there were bad BB's so I could have something more interesting to say about them :)
Oh, the curse of being perfect!
BB Couture Nitro Injected
Another week without a post - sorry guys! I had a big funding application to file and the day job is being a bitch at the moment to boot. Blog re-mojination is not working very well, is it? :D
I've decided to take extreme measures with my nails and have gone back to using my cut-price version of Orly Nail Rescue (ie. a pot of acrylic powder and some nail glue) to try and keep the damn things from breaking and peeling. I don't know why, but ever since they all broke off when I moved house in May they just haven't been the same. My skin really dislikes regular use of the acetone needed to remove the acrylic, but I don't really have a choice at this point. Grow, you nubs, grow!
Anyhoo - let's travel back to a time when I actually had nails that didn't make me want to vomit when I look at them.
This is BB Couture's Nitro Injected - a fantastic icy blue metallic...
Now, this actually looks a lot more "foily" and smooth in real life than in the photos. The pics seem to make it look more ridged and brush-stroke-y, but most of that only shows in certain light conditions IRL. If it really annoys you, you may want to use a ridge-filling undercoat...
This is a little smoother looking -
Sigh. Sometimes I wish there were bad BB's so I could have something more interesting to say about them :)
Oh, the curse of being perfect!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Weekend Funnies
Another week goes by...sands through the hourglass...all that jazz.
Let's have a laugh...
Oh Ralph, we still love you! (language warning)
Hug this, mother lovers!
Weekend Funnies
Another week goes by...sands through the hourglass...all that jazz.
Let's have a laugh...
Oh Ralph, we still love you! (language warning)
Hug this, mother lovers!
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